$1.3m already raised; plenty more to go
Posted: 18/08/15
Fundraising for the 'HUNDERTWASSER ART CENTRE has started, with $1.3 million (not including the Whangarei District Council contribution) already pledged and a number of large applications in the pipeline.
The project fundraising committee have re-launched a GiveALittle online fundraising facility and begun developing an exciting programme of fundraising initiatives in Whangarei, New Zealand and internationally.
“Obviously our first jobs have been to secure the past pledges made to the project and to make sure major applications to the big funding bodies are being developed and submitted.” says HAC fundraising team leader Helen Whittaker.
“Our goal is clear – we need more than $12 million dollars in the kitty before June 2017, or this project will not go ahead.”
“Cash donations are hugely valuable, but we’re keen to talk to people and organisations who can give in other ways too. Products and services offered in-kind are also going to be a valuable part of our fundraising equation.”
The project control group will be regularly updating the community on their fundraising achievements via local media, the www.yeswhangarei.co.nz website and the Whangarei Loves Hundertwasser Facebook page.
All donors are urged to visit the project GiveALittle page (givealittle.co.nz/org/hacnorth) to make an immediate donation, or to email the project control group @ yeswhangarei@gmail.com to make a personal approach. More information on the project, donating and volunteering can be found www.yeswhangarei.co.nz